Seattle Police and Deadly Force

“To her point, a Seattle Times investigation in 2015 found that of 213 people killed by police in Washington state from 2005 to 2014, only one officer was criminally charged with illegal use of deadly force; he was later acquitted. In fact it was the only prosecution in at least 30 years. The investigation found those killed by police were disproportionately African American, and in King County, Black people were 20% of the deaths by police while only 6.3% of the population.” – Naomi Ishisaka

“It could have been my son”

When asked why they had come, most people spoke about the need for police accountability, before inevitably turning to remembering Floyd’s unheeded final pleas. “It could have been my son. It could have been me. It shouldn’t be,” said a protester carrying a sign saying “Lock them up”.

Hundreds demand justice in Minneapolis after police killing of George Floyd